What Happens When You Invest $50,000 Each Year In Real Estate Syndications
Fifty thousand dollars is a LOT of money. Nevermind fifty thousand dollars per year. I get it, but hear me out. Once you see the potential results, I strongly believe you might be more willing to put forth the effort required to get there.
The Importance of Focusing on Capital Preservation
Let me ask you a question. What first interested you in real estate syndications? Most likely, it was the potential to put your hard-earned money to work for you to create a good return and thus grow your wealth over time.
Financial Freedom vs. Financial Independence: How They’re Different, And How You Can Get There
The two terms, financial independence and financial freedom are used interchangeably, but what does financial independence really mean, and how’s it different from financial freedom?
How To Stop Trading Your Time For Money And Start Creating Passive Income
Imagine with me, that your workday began with the usual routine, but halfway through your morning, you received the news you’d been laid off.
For most Americans, that means zero income starting tomorrow morning.
Now, let’s pretend that during your employment, you leveraged your money.